Loggitty Terminology

New to Loggitty? Not sure what the different sections are for?

What are Jobs?

Jobs are the core of loggitty. Everything logged is a "Job". Jobs are usually an amount of time and a rate, and are done for a particular customer, or client.

Jobs also have a date that they were done and the logged in user who is logging the job is noted with the job.

Jobs also have a description of the work done, this is written in a customer readable fasion as it will end up on the invoice to the client.

What are Invoices?

Invoices in loggitty are a collection of jobs for a single client. They can be quickly drafted by clicking on the invoice button for a client, and pull in all of the billable jobs for that client that haven't already been invoiced yet.

Invoices can be turned into PDFs or can be sent to Xero for accounting and emailing.

What is a Project?

A Project is a collection of jobs for a client. Regular client invoices are created on a time and expenses basis with all logged billable time and expenses making up the invoice sent to the client. Other times work is done for a client as a fixed-price agreement. A project allows a collection of jobs to be added to an invoice and then billed at a fixed price rather than the total of all the time and expenses.

Projects can also be used to change the invoice work text that is added to the invoice.

What is a Client?

A client is a person or company that your business would invoice for work done and expenses

What are Items?

Items are common costs that often get assigned to clients. An example would be a particular service that gets done for a client such as "Year end tax calculation", or "New asus router including configuration". Another could be "A tonne of topsoil". These items can be quickly assigned to a client and the quantities and prices can be quickly adjusted before logging the item for this client.

What are Reports?

These show you quickly whether everyone has logged their time for the day or week or month.

What are Accounts?

Accounts are used to categorise time and costs for tax and business reporting purposes. This means that the business can keep an eye on how much revenue is coming from a particular type of sale, or how much money is being spent on advertising.