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Our two biggest innovations that we love and that set us apart are:

Firstly, the ability to record a job or expense in one line entirely from the keyboard without having to click any buttons. Including assigning it to the client and/or project, the time spent or quantity, the cost, and any description needed.

and Secondly - We have one amazing button that will create and send all invoices to any client that has billable work or expenses recorded for them. For a small IT company, this means they can literally click one button to have Loggitty create and send 45 or so invoices in one go without having to create and send each one individually. With other Time-Tracking & Invoicing software, this process can generally take hours or sometimes a whole day.

No! You are able to log work and expenses and even create PDF invoices to Clients without connecting to Xero.

Xero makes it easy to send invoices, reconcile payments and do tax calculations but this is entirely optional. 

We connect to Xero to import your Xero "Contacts" and we populate your Loggitty "Clients" list with this, so that you are able to assign work done to clients.

We also import your Xero "Accounts" which are assigned to jobs and expenses so that they are correctly assigned to the right Account when you send an invoice through Xero.

We currently have 2 levels of access "Admin" and "Staff".

Admin users are able to see and change all aspects of the business and configuration, all pricing, timing and invoicing is accessable.

Staff users are only able to see their own logged jobs and assign them to a client & project. They can also create projects and add new clients. They are unable to invoice clients.

When jobs and the associated time and costs are logged, at that point in time it might not be clear whether the client is going to be invoiced for that time or cost. In this case the "billable" checkbox on the job log entry form is left unchecked and the job is saved as "pending".

Later on when it comes time to bill the client, or sometimes as soon as the work for the client is complete, then the jobs can be updated to "billable" easily by clicking on the pending icon, or editing the job and changing the status.

If the work done for whatever reason is never to be billed to the client then it can be set as unbillable, it will then no longer show up on the invoices page as work waiting to be invoiced.